Click here to see our new resource guide: Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Care (While Transitioning to College)!
This resource guide discusses the transition from pediatric to adult care and is primarily focused on young adults who are making this transition while also transitioning to college, as these events often occur simultaneously. However, please note that everyone’s disease journey is different, and it’s best to speak directly with your current physician and clinical care team to determine if and when would be the appropriate time to transition from pediatric to adult care.
Our guide provides tips on…
Switching providers while moving to college and seeking out a new clinician
Items to complete and consider before your first visit
Adjusting to a new clinical care team
Registering to receive accommodations on your college campus along with examples of helpful accommodations you may be able to receive
For questions, comments, or to suggest/request any other resources, please contact Generation Patient’s Higher Education Coordinator, Amy Bugwadia, at